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Monday, November 22, 2004

Resolver 0.6 released 

I just released a 0.6 version of my Resolver library. This release fixes one bug related to UFFI usage. For some reason the bug did not show itself on SBCL or CMUCL, but somebody found it while looking to port the code to another CL implementation. The biggest user-visible change is that the library now uses keyword symbols for all resource record types and other constants in the interface. So, instead of

(lookup "" 'mx)

you now say

(lookup "" :mx)

and the answer comes back as

((53369 T :QUERY NIL NIL T T :NO-ERROR 1 2 2 6) (("" :MX :IN))
 (("" :MX :IN 86178 10 "")
  ("" :MX :IN 86178 10 ""))
 (("" :NS :IN 172578 "")
  ("" :NS :IN 172578 ""))
 (("" :A :IN 83865 #(217 160 230 13))
  ("" :A :IN 83865 #(217 160 230 11))
  ("" :A :IN 1237 #(217 160 230 10))
  ("" :A :IN 1237 #(217 160 230 12))
  ("" :A :IN 77450 #(217 160 224 3))
  ("" :A :IN 32577 #(217 160 228 3))))

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